
With our expertise, extensive market knowledge and strong relationships, MTM Group is able to offer bunker procurement services to 3rd party owners.

Dedicated Bunker Procurement team based in the US and in-house Bunker Quality Consultant in Singapore

Available credit lines with major traders and suppliers

Economies of scale, resulting in competitive prices

Specialized software to constantly review vessel voyages and oil markets to minimize bunker costs/bunkering delays

Regular supplier evaluation to manage counterparty risks

Claims management


Professional support for the Master in managing his victualing

Custom made Linen and Crockery used on board

Professional coaching to Cooks & Stewards to cater for health, nutrition and dietary requirements based on crew’s different cultural origin

High standards of health & hygiene

Worldwide contracts with suppliers to ensure continuous supply of good quality provisions

Next Wave Maritime Company – 100% subsidiary of MTM

Financial consulting and investor partnership

Commercial/Technical Management

  • Complete scope with focus on dry bulk and oil/chemical tanker segments
  • Ability to act quickly in restructuring and vessel enforcement situations
  • Vast legal expertise on ship owning structures

Fixed Cost Product

  • Depending on vessel age, full technical management package on a fixed cost basis for complete cost control
  • Crew Lump Sum (CLS) services at very competitive prices for more than 60% of annual OpEx securing

Vessel Condition Surveys

  • Pre-take over inspections with comprehensive reports
  • Budgeting, coordination and execution of regular maintenance and extraordinary repair and upgrade work
  • Negotiation with yards on bank’s behalf, but in close coordination and with full transparency

Shipping Consultancy

  • Specialized charter management capabilities Constant monitoring and analysis of S&P market
  • Consulting expertise on vessel entry/exit timing to optimize returns to investors and bank
  • Strategic consulting on optimal ship owning structures and partnerships

Complete Accounting & Finance

  • Full access to the group’s vessel accounting, audit and finance capabilities
  • Comprehensive monthly reporting capability
  • Ability to tailor reporting to bank’s needs Custom online data synchronization

Poseidon Principles Compliance

Full system and reporting capability for Poseidon Principles, Sea Cargo Charter, CII, EEXI, EU ETS and IMO compliance